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Frequently Asked Questions
What is this?
Send It Later is an add-on for the popular group communication platform Slack. The app makes it easy to schedule messages for later delivery. It also includes nifty features for writing messages and tools to create repeated messages.
Message scheduling allows for a calmer team culture where digital well-being is better ensured, and communication happens when it has the best impact.
What commands can I use?
You can currently do:
/later [message] [at|in] [date time|distance]
to schedule a new message
/later compose
to open a dialog for composing a new scheduled message
/later c
shorthand for /later compose
/later list
to list your scheduled messages
/later help
to view instructions on how to use the command
How do I cancel a message?
Use the /later list
command to list your scheduled messages. Each message in
the list has a cancel button.
In what ways can I write the date and time when scheduling a message?
There are multiple ways of describing when the message you want to schedule should appear for the recipient. Some examples:
/later Hey in 30 minutes
/later Hey in 3 hours
/later Hey in 1 day
/later Hey at 9am tomorrow
/later Hey at 3pm today
/later Hey at 3pm
(same day or next day depending on if time has passed)
/later Hey at 9 tomorrow
/later Hey at 9.30 tomorrow
/later Hey at 15:30 tomorrow
/later Hey at 9 tomorrow
/later Hey at 1 september 16:00
/later Hey at 2 sept 9am
Can I attach images/documents to scheduled messages?
You can add attachments and images to your scheduled messages if you add them as links within the message. They will then show up as attachments/images when the message is delivered.
If a file isn't currently available online, you can upload it in the ”File browser” within Slack, and then copy the link to that file and use that in the message.
The background to this is that the native file uploading flow within the Slack client currently cannot be incorporated in Slack apps, so this has to be solved by linking to the file.
What is Paddle that I see on my bank statement or receipt?
Paddle is our payment service provider and they are merchant of record for our payments.
How are messages stored?
When a new message is scheduled with Send It Later, it is transferred securely to our servers via the Slack API using SSL. At our servers messages are stored encrypted. After the message has been delivered to its recipients the message content is removed from our servers.
I cannot find the Send It Later app in Slack’s sidebar. Where did it go? / How can my colleagues find the Send It Later app in Slack?
If you have added Send It Later to your Slack workspace but have trouble finding it, you can do the following to ensure that the app is always easy to find under the ”Starred” section in Slack’s sidebar.

1) Click ”Add apps” in Slack’s sidebar. On the Apps screen look for Send It Later. It should show up as one of the installed apps.
2) Click on the Send It Later app. You should now see the Send It Later screen.
3) In the top part of the Send It Later screen there is a small star next to the name. Click on the star to make Send It Later stick to the ”Starred” section.
Also, note that you can use any of the /later
commands from any channel within Slack to invoke the app.
Can I schedule messages in Slack message threads?
Yes, you can schedule messages in threads. Hover the Slack message you want to reply to and click the three dots that appear. In the menu that appears, click ”Schedule a reply”.
Have the prices changed?
The prices have changed a few times over time. Don't worry though, you will keep the plan price you signed up for initially.
How do I cancel a subscription?
Just remove the Send It Later app from your Slack workspace.
What is the story behind Send It Later?
Send It Later was created by me, Arvid Andersson.
I originally created Send It Later for Slack because I needed it myself in my work as a project manager at a product agency in Stockholm, Sweden. I wanted to maintain a culture where the work-related chat happens during business hours but still be able to prepare and plan my communication with colleagues and clients when it is most convenient for me.